BADI members only


Registers of medicinal products in the EU

Union Register of medicinal products - Here

1.Centralised Authorised MPs

- Community Register - Here

Pharmaceuticals - community register

- EMA - European Public Assessment Reports (EPAR) - Here

- Authorised Register at EMA website - orphan drugs.

Rare disease (orphan) designations -  Here

- Community Register of orphan medicinal products for human use - Here

- Community Register of veterinary medicinal products - Here

2. Authorised MPs  via Mutual Recognition Procedure

- Mutual recognition information - product index - Here

3. Authorised MPs  via National Recognition Procedure in the MSs

- Member States registers of nationally-authorised medicinal products - Here

- Изпълнителна агенция по лекарствата:

Регистри на лекарствени продукти
Регистри на търговци и производители